Cpt. John Mason, Task Force 141, B Section. Fighting alongside Cpt. Price (A section) Cpt. Mason is
a highly respected operator in TF 141.
Here is what I did: I started with the ToysCity SBS figure. The body is
BBI G3.5. I cut off the forearm and glued on the forearms of the ToysCity figure. I did the same with the feet only they are
SideshowToys. I shortened the neck a bit and midified it on a BBI one. I padded the legs with some foam to give it a bulky
look. Breakdown: Boots: weathered. Trousers: Barrack Sargeant, weathered. Knee pads: Hot Toys, weathered. Drop
Down holster: Toys City, weathered. Drop down other leg: VeryHot Toys, weathered. Jacket: Toys City, weathered. Padded
the pockets, glued on the flag. Beanie: Toycs City, weathered, glued some parts to make it look cool. Vest: Hot Toys,
customized it from different bits, weathered. Radio: midified Hot toys, Toys City. Custom earpiece. Weathered. Pistol
and mag: Toycs City weathered. Scar: Hot Toys, partially repainted and weathered. SAW: modified DML, aded the scope
and butt. Repainted and weathered. To bad the pictures do not show all the details. I repainted the hands, added color
to the vains and nails. Repainted the head to make him look younger. Enjoy!!

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